system architecture

System Architecture – 3 insights from AUTOSARxAHK events

What future E/E System Architectures need? – 3 insights from AUTOSARxAHK events System architecture has seen a major shift given that software development rapidly changed the outlook of the automotive industry. After just a single decade, the conventional, distributed E/E system architecture, based on cross-domain functions, gradually morphed into the need for domain-centralized E/E architecture […]

Machine learning

Machine learning will determine competitiveness shortly

Machine learning will determine competitiveness shortly   Machine learning is rapidly restructuring the business landscape. With the rise of cloud computing, Big Data, and the increased demand for storage data, new services like DWaaS arise and AI is becoming a determining factor for competitiveness. While this level of technology was only a vision years ago, […]

OptimallSFA team

People of AROBS – OptimallSFA Team

OptimallSFA team – the story of the people behind business optimization OptimallSFA team – Behind every complex software solution, there’s a software development team that works every day to perfect it – the OptimallSFA team is that kind. Some of the members have been working on it for 15 years now, believe it or not. […]

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