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AROBS Transilvania Software development > Blog > How Aerospace Engineering is improving life on Earth through Earth Observation
How Aerospace Engineering is improving life on Earth through Earth Observation
Earth Observation mainly focuses on the use of satellites. They play a crucial role in observing and measuring environmental, meteorological, and climate change-related data that could improve life on Earth.
Space exploration came a long way since the launch of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, in 1957. Each new spacecraft, mission, and invention pushed our understanding of the universe and led us further into the unknown. From new astronomical observations to revolutionary mission accomplishments, there are a vast number of aerospace engineering developments made in the last few years alone.
How does earth observation improve life on earth?
Climate change
Earth observation data can play a role in air and water quality monitoring, as well as in measuring greenhouse gas concentrations. This data provides key information for air quality management and assessing the progress of emission reduction goals. It monitors and helps understand the effects of climate change, such as sea level rise, changes in precipitation patterns, and the retreat of glaciers. This information can be used to inform policies and planning aimed at reducing the impact of climate change and protecting communities from its effects.
Reducing risks of natural disasters
The data from radar and infrared sensors on satellites can provide detailed information that help foresee potential hazards. Severe weather events, volcanic eruptions, and coastal erosion, pose a great threat to the communities. We are able to predict their impact on human populations and infrastructure. Early warning of potential disasters is essential to manage the situation.
Renewable Energy
Wind Farms
Earth observation satellites gather data on wind patterns and other meteorological factors that can be used to help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of wind energy generation. These satellites are equipped with a range of instruments, such as lidar, radar, and scatterometers, which measure wind speeds, direction, and other key parameters at different altitudes.
This can improve the performance of existing wind farms by optimizing the placement of wind turbines on the ground. Developers of wind farms can, for example, identify high wind potential areas by using satellite data. Additionally, the data can predict how wind patterns will change in the future, which is particularly useful for long-term planning and investment decisions in the wind energy sector.
Solar Energy
Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP) is a concept that involves the use of satellites in space to collect solar energy and then beam it back to Earth. The idea is to put solar panels on a satellite in space where the sun is shining all the time and there is no night or clouds, unlike on the Earth surface. The energy generated by the solar panels would be converted into microwave or laser energy and then beamed down to a receiving station on Earth where it would be converted back into electricity.
The higher levels of solar radiation in space would allow for more efficient energy generation compared to traditional solar power systems on the ground.
To help our business partners take advantage of these technologies, AROBS Engineering provides a range of aerospace-focused software solutions and earth observation is part of our extensive software portfolio. Our cutting-edge systems are designed to facilitate better communication, planning, and decision-making for space-related activities. We also provide detailed analytics and insights that enable our customers to monitor the performance of their operations, as well as their progress towards their goals.
Photo: ESA; Photo: ESA/Mlabspace;
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