Pitfalls to Avoid in Digital Change

Considering how fast trends move in today’s business world, it’s unsurprising that digital change has become a big business agenda. Digital initiatives can transform your business and create more efficiency and profit. But with great power comes responsibility and the need to properly understand what pitfalls can stand in the way of success in these types of transformations.


That’s where our colleagues from Nordlogic combine custom software development with their Enterprise Software Ecosystem Audit and Diagnosis process to offer the best guidance and solutions to any company looking to implement digital transformation. With years of experience, they understand the priority, why, and most importantly, how to avoid pitfalls derailing this effort.


A recent Deloitte analysis shows that 55% of key digital change-related ideas are only growing in popularity and implementing strategies, meaning that digital change is growing more extensive and intricate. While holding the pressure to integrate technologies and always reach for innovative solutions, organizations must know that rushing and even planning while focusing on unimportant things can cost their efforts. Understanding some of the pitfalls in digital change can rewire the trajectory of the process.

Lack of Clear Strategy

Many jump into digital change without fully considering their overall goal for the business. You get a high-speed train and don’t know where it’s going or why. Implementing technology while your business strategy still needs to be thought through can lead to wasting resources on plans that don’t help the business move forward. Digitalization is paramount, but it does not come with a success guarantee. Digital transformation should serve the company—not the other way around.



  1. Start by assessing your business goals and challenges.
  2. Develop a digital strategy that directly supports your goals.
  3. Prioritize digital initiatives based on their potential business impact.

Not Building a Change-Ready Culture

You can create the best technology, but it will be useless if people are not ready to use it. The real challenge in digital change might not be digitalization; it might be preparing people for the new ways you are trying to implement. Many organizations fail to prepare their teams for the changes that come with digital transformation, leading to resistance, low adoption rates, and failed projects.



Gartner proposes “Engraining change in the organization to ensure the program’s adoption and overall success. Which can also look like:

  1. Use each iteration as an opportunity to provide training and support, helping employees build their digital skills over time.
  2. Instead of implementing large-scale changes immediately, break down the digital transformation into smaller, manageable iterations or sprints.
  3. Involve employees in the transformation process by soliciting their ideas, addressing concerns, and providing opportunities for skill development. 

Neglecting Data Governance

Another Deloitte report shows, “The greatest frequency of digital change terms has been related to digitizing the customer relationship”. Most leaders might jump into digitalization without even considering if their data or data in the industry supports their judgements. A great pitfall could be ignoring proper data governance, leading to decisions based on the “wrong” data. Since the goal is digital change, information is one of the most valuable assets a business has in this predicament. Poor data quality, inconsistent processes, and a lack of clear ownership can all hinder your ability to make smart, informed decisions.



  1. Utilize technologies and tools that support the data governance process, such as data catalogues, metadata management systems, and data governance software.
  2. Ensure your data is accurate, accessible, and well-managed

Is Your Business Ready to Achieve Success in Digital Transformation? 

Nordlogic’s development and delivery expertise helps you build a high-performing organization that can drive digital transformation. Their comprehensive approach guarantees you have what it takes regarding people, skills, and technology.

Contact Nordlogic’s team to work on your business’ Enterprise Software Ecosystem Audit and Diagnosis process.

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