AROBS Transilvania – custom software development company
Internship at AROBS
Junior Academy
Become part of #MoreThanJustATeam.
Join an internship at AROBS Junior Academy and find opportunities focused on transforming you into a future employee with strong practical know-how and work ethic.
We are striving to be a company that provides a healthy work environment for youngsters who enter the work field for the first time. We invest our most valuable resources - time, leadership and expertise in the new generations that will join us in building the future of technology. Become part of #MoreThanJustATeam, become part of the industry that shapes our world.
Who we are 
We are #MoreThanJustATeam.
Humans who also started from the bottom, with little experience.
Professionals who know that you need a place to start and a healthy work environment where you gain experience and develop skills.
Team players who love to share knowledge and help each other grow.
We offer an involvement space. Where you can find a sense of purpose, contribution, and belonging.
The internship experience
A Dutch student's experience at AROBS
Hosting an internship is always a fulfilling experience for AROBS because we get to guide youngsters on their career paths. We also let ourselves caption their energy to create a mix of knowledge that we can all learn from. We have collaborated with Windesheim University of Applied Sciences from the Netherlands for some years, allowing us to host their students’ visits and integrate them into internship programs in our company. Six students got the chance to taste our company culture and learn from our mentors. This year, we talked to one of them and got some valuable impressions.
Matt is currently an #automotive intern working on his first projects in AROBS while learning things about our country.
Click on the video to learn more about his experience as a foreign intern in AROBS.
Internship Application Steps
Learn & Grow at AROBS Junior Academy
You get free access to Udemy and Pluralsight during your internship.
Two of the most offering platforms when it comes to technical knowledge.
You’ll also find courses to develop other abilities you need to help you with your work – time management, agile thinking, planning, etc.
If you master technicalities after the internship, and you’re also a people person and team player, you might just be team leader material.
Therefore, you’re eligible for our Rising Star program. We’ll help you gain all the necessary abilities to reach your full potential in this direction and take the next step in your career.
We work HARD... but party harder!
... and care about the community
AROBS Transilvania Software is an IT software solutions and products provider, and among the fewest companies in the industry with a 100% Romanian capital.
We value the community and strongly support education by giving young talents hands-on internship opportunities to continue their path from study to a successful career.
Our contribution starts with the fruitful partnerships we have with the universities that open a communication channel between the generations to come and our experts.
We consider ourselves European by birth but international by culture, thus we have an inclusive approach and a multicultural organizational culture.
We’ve grown organic as a company and we currently offer job opportunities and internships on Automotive, Life Sciences&IoT, Travel, Enterprise Solutions, Telematics, Fintech and more.
Just picture
Today an intern, tomorrow a rising star in AROBS.
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We are more than happy if you will. Just type in your friends contacts and we will take over. If you have someone in mind, please ensure that your friend is first informed and consented about you sending us his personal data
// our recent news
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AROBS acquires SVT Electronics and significantly accelerates the development of the TrackGPS digital platform
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Lucian Costea
March 11, 2025