
Automobile engineering – 3 short TED talks to inspire you


Automobile engineering is a field for the future. However natural it seems to us to drive and have cars around these vehicles represent freedom. But what about people who cannot see? And what about the traffic jams that seem to slow us down, no matter the performance of our cars? Furthermore, how about cars that avoid accidents?

Engineers and dreamers have long been creating the future for us. In automobile engineering, however, they step up the game. They change not only the vehicles but the whole traffic. Hence, our whole society.

So, here are 3 TED talks that will inspire you about the future. Especially in times like these, where imagining the future seems hard to do.

Automobile engineering – imagining the future

A driverless world – by Wanis Kabbaj

Automobiles are engineered to be faster, more efficient, and more attractive. But what is the use of them being faster if the speed that we are driving them is the equivalent for a horse carriage, due to heavy traffic? This is one o the questions that Wanis Kabbaj is asking and answering in this talk.


The problem is that, unlike the blood vessels in our body, our traffic is designed mostly for the surface of the ground. Therefore, there is very limited space for expansion. So, how about we think more about vertical traffic?

Also, did you know that about 30% of urban traffic is generated by drivers looking for a parking spot? No matter which urban area you live in, you have been a part of this 30%. So, you know exactly how it feels.

But with efficient use of the space, say a modular driverless vehicle a lot of our problems would disappear.

How do self-driving vehicles see – by Sajan Saini

But how would self-driving cars see? Does it seem too complicated? Watch this 5-minute video that will make everything clear. Automobile engineering is fascinating.

Automobile engineering - self-driving cars

Well, it needs “eyes” which means smart sensors that will detect everything in the environment to guide the vehicle. However, the challenge is that it needs to react to input data in a split second. Otherwise, the reaction time’s length might cause accidents. But integrated photonics come to the rescue.

Automobile engineering for the blind – by Dennis Hong

Making a car for blind drivers didn’t seem like a real challenge for automobile engineers like Dennis Hong and his teams. Well, only at first glance. But why? Because it wasn’t about driverless cars, it was about the blind driver making decisions in real-time.


For this, there is a need for something different. A need for non-visual user interface technology. Some high-tech automobile engineering, starting with three-dimensional pinging sound systems, vibrating vests, click-wheel, and voice commands to special shoes that apply pressure to the foot.

The output is revolutionary. The satisfaction is incredible. Watching the first blind driver experience finishing an obstacle-filled route that brings him to tears.

Automobile engineering expertise

The incredible potential of technology is all around us. Besides comfort, it adds value to our lives. It makes ideals like freedom and independence available to the ones who couldn’t have even imagined it before.

Especially due to automobile engineering, which had an incredibly fast evolution, these are attainable to everyone.

At AROBS there are special teams designated to automotive engineering with over 20 years of experience in this field. Enthusiastic people who believe in the positive power of technology. Their expertise on Light Control Units, BCMs, software driver systems, powertrains, infotainment systems, advanced driver assistance has helped top automotive brands enable innovation.

Do you have a dream for the automobile industry?

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