
Digital transformation is about people first

Digital transformation and digital process – expressions that break headlines, stir debates among tech specialists and conquer industries one by one. From manufacturing, travel, life sciences, fashion, and so on, they all benefit from it. But are companies really fulfilling the digital transformation process? Does the inevitable merge between people and new technologies actually work? Unfortunately, very often it is just a pretentious terminology to use, which on a practical note, is not really applied properly by companies’ management. Furthermore, the terms digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation often get mixed in definitions.

Digital maturity

Digital transformation integrates technology at all levels in a business, bringing a fundamental change in all operations and delivery-to-customer processes. Still, digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation are misused as terms and applicability. To avoid that, businesses who wish to cross the bridge to the new digital era could find a reliable partner in IT outsourcing companies. They can provide consultancy, ready-to-use solutions and the technologies to create custom ones, if needed.

Although company leaders are aware of the competitive advantage of having a “digital makeover” for their organizations, too many only align to the trend, and speak more about it than applying it. Yes, changing a classic system inside a company can be challenging. And every stage usually requires time and adjustments along the way. Even so, it’s an important part of the company’s evolution.

According to a recent survey made by Deloitte, “digital maturity” is marked by touching a few points:

  • Flexible infrastructure, yet secure
  • Using data for monetizing, increasing efficiency, revenue, and customer engagement
  • Digital savvy employees
  • Connecting to the digital network outside the company
  • A 360-degree customer experience offered through technology
  • Adaptive business model

Nevertheless, the infusion of new practices overall can undermine a company’s operability and culture, if they’re not introduces based on a strategy.

Transform your people’s mindset before transforming your company

We believe it is realistic to say that a company relies on the shoulders of its people. Though technology is exponentially boosting efficiency, reducing costs, and time in the production process, the human touch cannot be replaced. Moreover, the context of digital transformation magnifies the employees’ fear of losing their jobs and financial stability, either they are conscious of that or not. That can create a resistance to change and make the process difficult.

To prevent this, leaders should focus on emphasizing that a digital upgrade for the company is also an opportunity for them to enhance their expertise and acquire new skills. In addition to this, it’s recommended that the process starts from the inside, by giving the employees the possibility to contribute by merging their strengths and abilities with the new digital components of the process. And maybe even give them the opportunity to take ownership of that part of the process from beginning to end. This gives them a sense of control and empowers them.

In conclusion, concentrate first on changing your employees’ mindset regarding the digital transformation process and how that will change your organizational culture for better.

After all, it was the people’s vision that drove technology till today, not the other way around.

Three terms, one purpose

As the Gartner definition of digital transformation highlights, the term is widely used but misunderstood. Digitization defines the process of converting analog information to digital format. Using digital data to the company’s advantage, by transforming it into useful insights and, ultimately revenue, means digitalization. Going through all these stages and reaching a point where you can create a new business model or product, with the exclusive use of digital operations and data, is called digital transformation.

If you find your company struggling to keep track with the digital trend, but fails to complete the process, let us share our expertize and help you move forward. Depending on the industry in which your company operates we have several options to collaborate:

Leave us a message and we’ll get back to you with a solution.

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