
Shakira - the electric car with the moves

No, Shakira hasn’t released a new song, it’s just the nickname of our Embedded C interns latest prototype of an electric car. Did we mention that she really has the moves?

The challenge

On the 18th of March, 6 Embedded C interns were having their first official tour on their first day in AROBS. Our Automotive department, represented by the SMART team, took them under its protective wing.

Their challenge: create a mobile device (a small robot very similar to a toy car) that actually moves and detects obstacles manually or autonomous. In other words, a kind of electric car on a small scale, built with the help of Embedded C technology.

Challenge accepted!

“We used this theme before for a similar project. But the difference is on the implementation part. We want them to see how we plan activities just like real developers do, in real projects. Furthermore, they use Jira for tasks so they get used to this planning tool, AGILE methodology and SCRUM framework. In addition to that they get familiarized with the recruiting process. We help them update their CV after the internship and get valuable advice about how to presents themselves at an interview.”, tells us Casiana Baciu, one of the mentors

The product release

8 weeks of AROBS office life, two beer nights, one charity marathon, and a lot of work later, the moment to release the electric car came. Both teams did a great job and made an impressive and captivating presentation of their projects. As a result, the AROBS robots collections has now two new stars: a 2.0 Tesla and “Shakira”- the new Dacia electric car that not only moves but has THE moves!

“The AROBS internship was the best professional experience for me, so far. I had so much support from the coordinating team, I was welcomed by such a friendly atmosphere which actually makes you want to go to the office with a good vibe every day. If you read this and you think of applying for an internship, just do it! There are so many cool people to meet, so many stories to find out, and most importantly, so much to learn. Take the chance!”, told us Călin Tacea, one of our Embedded C interns.

The release of the electric cars prototypes was accompanied by the whole team of mentors, a lot of emotions, and laughter. Especially, because the interns took us by surprise with a video that briefly describes their experience with the AROBS internship.

You can watch the video on our Youtube channel here.

“We are impressed by the maturity, responsibility, inventivity, and implication they show.”, said Rupi Sarolta, one of the mentors, former intern herself at one point.

Wanna live the AROBS internship experience? Look for an opportunity here:

Dare to try the AROBS experience!