
AROBS proudly presents the new Optimall SFA website

AROBS is extremely proud to announce the launch of the new Optimall SFA website which coincides with the launching of two new products: Optimall WebAPI and Optimall SMIS.

Our new website offers for our clients and collaborators a fresh message of what Optimall is and what we accomplished so far in the software business optimization industry.

The website has a new clean design and intuitive content and menus. It is also fully responsive with mobile devices, making it easy to navigate on a wide range of web browsers and portable devices.

Besides the extensive description of our new products Optimall WebAPI and Optimall SMIS, we created a video section of testimonials and a more intuitive blog.

We are looking further to communicate with the online world through our blog, to provide new and consistent information regarding the Optimall suite. We will talk about our expertise and we will give prospective clients the correct information they need when choosing a new product for business optimization.

Optimall by AROBS team is delighted about the new website and we hope we create the experience you are looking for.

Optimall by AROBS is a product suite that offers business optimization and mobility software solutions for FMCG industries, for the Romanian market. Optimall was launched in 2003 and it is the first product created by AROBS.

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