People of AROBS – TrackGPS team
TrackGPS is one of the first AROBS products introduced on the market and it is one of the most used telematics software platforms and solutions in Central and Eastern Europe. A rightful place earned by the TrackGPS team. Even more, they managed to launch a new upgraded version of the application v4.0 by the end of 2020. We could not but wonder how they gathered energy and ideas to finish such a challenging year with such great results!
The answer seems to be – team and dedication.
In other words, we have sat with some of the team members and found out about their wonderful career journeys.
Lavinia F., TrackGPS First Customer Support Specialist
"I came to AROBS, as a member of the customer support team, to work on a project dedicated to Romanian travel agencies. During this time, TrackGPS was at its beginnings. Soon enough, they expanded their clients’ portfolio, and they needed dedicated help support. I am actually the first person trained to offer client support for TrackGPS, back in 2011. This allowed me to become, later, the Team Lead of the support department of TrackGPS. Today, after 10 years, I can still say that I do not have time to get bored or stagnate. The complexity of the project, the diversity of situations that I interact with every day, and my colleagues, are just a few of the activities that keep me connected and help me evolve. For 2021 I just want to be active and open to whatever comes my way, without making necessary plans."
Ciprian S., TrackGPS R&D Manager
"My path in AROBS started 11 years ago, without actually knowing what I like to do most. But I had the chance to find my true passion and path here, due to the inspiration I found within the TrackGPS team – “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” So every step I took helped me combine passion with work in everything I do. Today, I can help transform an idea into reality, a discussion over a coffee into an actual functional IoT & Fleet Management product. That is the biggest professional satisfaction, when this “circle” closes, from the idea to something real. 2020 strengthens the well-known words-of-wisdom: „The only constant is change.” From a dynamic point of view, the most challenging thing was to find the technical solution and the right formula as soon as possible. Often, that should be “yesterday”. The last year just showed us that standing still is not an option. It showed us how important is to adapt, in a short amount of time, and to find the right solutions, taking into consideration the social, political, and technical context. 2021 is the year when the world is starting to move again and our plan is to experiment and work with new technologies for IoT and Fleet Management, to further develop our TrackGPS product."
Imre D., TrackGPS Customer Support Specialist
„All your dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” - Walt Disney. With this in mind, I’m going to tell you my story. Since I was a child, I liked cars. When I was 10 years old, I met the uncle of a good friend who was a truck driver and since then I have remained fascinated by these big trucks that go for miles around the world. At that time, I wished to become a mechanic but somehow gave up on that dream along the way. But 8 years ago, when I applied for a technical support position at AROBS TrackGPS, it felt like I went back to my old passion - cars. At that time, the product was at the beginning in the fleet management field. I find my role here quite important: I help our clients paying the road tax in Hungary, have a safe journey, and avoid unwanted tickets. This project means a complex solution, which needs attention, real-time decisions, and a big responsibility when you offer support. Any small human error or technical error can cost them important fines. I know the language, so my support is more complex and useful. And there is no better feedback than clients telling you they’re happy you’re there to help them. I hope that 2021 will be a better year overall and that in the end, we go back to normality."
Andrei M., TrackGPS Regional Sales Manager Iași & Country Manager Indonesia
"Imagine my excitement when I got the opportunity to work in TrackGPS, the job that allows me to blend my knowledge, experience, and skills with the things I love most. I met a highly professional team, people that provide a stimulating, creative and innovative environment. 13 seems to be a lucky number for me, cause in 2013 I joined the Sales Team of AROBS TrackGPS Division. Four years later, the company gave me the chance to grow the team and the business in Eastern Romania, when I was promoted as the Regional Manager. In 2019, I was recruited as a Country Manager – Indonesia, to develop the TrackGPS business in South-East Asia, another role I fill. COVID-19 crisis obviously was the biggest challenge till now. For TrackGPS, as for most companies, the main task has been the development of digital tools that enable us to eliminate or decrease, drastically, the face-to-face interactions, due to health concerns both for the customers and the employees. 2020 was meant to witness the rapid adoption of high-speed digital technologies. They proved to be helpful, not only for keeping a high business performance level but also for discovering and getting access to new possible business opportunities. My goal is to keep up the performance level and the achievements earned during the last years, and from my position, to continue developing and expanding the TrackGPS brand. Our growth potential is there."
Leonard A., TrackGPS Technical Director
"I really like the various daily challenges, technical, or business-related. There is no dull moment, this gives me positive energy. Every day brings something new, new learning opportunities, no matter if we are referring to clients, interactions, technical issues, recruiting, etc. The team is a strong point that I appreciate here at TrackGPS. We have strong connections, we discuss and solve challenges together, and so we can all celebrate the success. We always try to compare ourselves with the big players on the market and our main objective is to bring TrackGPS into the spotlight in Eastern Europe. We have the liberty of choosing the tools we want to use, the way we work because the team is often included in planning sessions. We officialized our “relationship” though in January 2019, with the technical director position. Since then, I’m continuously learning. 2020 brought a lot of huge challenges for us. I will mention the corporate pitches, the cross-platform developments in a record time for the Mobile v4 version, the web v4 version platform launch. I still believe, though, that our biggest challenge was re-architecting all the reception services in a single IoT Hub, capable of reacting to millions of messages per second. In 2021 I want to attend several management and leadership courses."
Today, TrackGPS operates in 6 languages, has over 4300 clients and over 68.000 vehicles tracked by the application. Not to mention, they contributed to the common effort of fighting the pandemic in 2020, giving free access to the app for the ambulance services in their clients’ portfolio.
All these were possible with the help and implication of over 100 people from the TrackGPS team.
If you want to know more about fleet management services, leave them a message here.
Meanwhile, #WeWontStop searching for more exciting stories told by the People of AROBS.