Authentication and Authorization Essentials: Mastering OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect & Third-Party Security Author: Andrei Amariei, an article submitted to the Writers of AROBS contest Topics of this article Authentication, Authorization, OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, Security, Third-Party, Technology. Authentication is the cornerstone of securing modern applications, and a thorough understanding of its nuances is essential for […]
Serious Games for Professionals There is more to games than just the entertainment side. Skeptic on this statement? Well, our colleague Ana is here to change your mind with valid arguments. You can bring mind-training games into the software development teams! Ana-Iulia E., Java Developer in the AROBS Enterprise Solutions business line, highlights that one can use […]
Getting my first job during the pandemic A big life hack is to make the best out of every situation, even when times seem less bright. Opportunities often appear in our personal and professional lives, so how do you take advantage of them? Stay present, consistent, and keep up the good work. Our colleague, Maria […]
How trust creates leaders and the six macro-abilities for leadership In software development, beyond technical skills, leadership competencies influence the evolution of projects, teamwork, and productivity. Improving your skills as a leader is a continuous process, and trust is an essential element in the journey.Our colleague from Nordlogic, Sebastian Muntean, will get you through […]
Java concurrency reloaded: Project Loom Our team’s software development expertise is one of our most valuable resources. Our colleague, Lucian O., Java Developer, wrote about how Project Loom will improve development work. Lucian’s perspective will get you through multithreading in Java, platform threads, and virtual threads. Continue reading to see the main advantages of virtual […]
The definition of done – workplace and personal life “Getting things done” – is a phrase we hear every day, whether we talk about software development or personal life. But what does it actually mean? The Agile definition of done is a collection of criteria the team must complete for a project to be considered “done.” […]
Micromanagement? Let’s drop it! Management style is like the needed skills for making pottery. You must apply enough pressure to create a high-quality object but be soft enough to avoid damaging the clay you’re shaping. In the same way, a manager has to guide a team to evolve while creating an environment where the “pressure” […]
Protecting sensitive data in Cypress testing Testing is essential in software development because it ensures that the end user will benefit from a high-quality solution that works as intended. An application might not work correctly without proper testing and could damage the user’s system. One of the most popular testing tools is Cypress, which helps tech specialists […]
Information system for scene perception and object detection in autonomous vehicles Technology is constantly transforming the world around us, and autonomous vehicles are one of the most important technological advancements, as they have the power to significantly change transportation and driver behavior. At AROBS, we encourage our specialists to share knowledge and offer valuable insights […]
My experience upgrading Laravel framework 5.8 to 8.X Laravel is known as an open-source framework based on PHP technology. Like other frameworks, its purpose is to ease the web development process by giving free access to pieces of code. Software development has given the human imagination unlimited perspectives. Daily we witness how developers become crafters […]
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