Precision farming and sustainability
Precision farming is not a new concept. It boosts the efficiency of agriculture with the use of technology. However, the output is something even more important, sustainability.
Precision farming is not a new concept. It boosts the efficiency of agriculture with the use of technology. However, the output is something even more important, sustainability.
Technology events are going online Our universe has transformed radically in a fraction of time – it seems that we have closed our eyes
Task management software does three main things for a business. It makes sure teams are in sync, meet deadlines, and grow productivity. Hence, it raises profit.
The services marketplace seems to be the next business wave in terms of digital transformation and growth. A single source to solve all your company’s problems.
With a constant need for faster and better results with zero mistakes, we deliver software robots at the new UiPath RPA agency – FastPath Automation.
The travel technology and hospitality industry is on the verge of a large reinvention and acceleration, because the game changed. The travel technology market is ready for reinvention and acceleration!
AROBS business software solutions for the Romanian market and our new concept: AROBS360° Business software solutions are more needed than ever. Amid COVID-19, business-adaptability
The AROBS’ software teams toolbox – part 2 After the extensive discussion about the communication tools that we published in the first part of our article,
Team cohesion and productivity during the remote-work era of the new normal Team cohesion is hard when all your team members are working remotely. And
The AROBS software developer works in teams. They stay safe and tuned to our projects, in the Coronavirus and Remote Work from Home era
AROBS has joined the solidarity movement determined by the spread of COVID-19. Free tracking for ambulances, FFP2 masks and special ventilators have been donated to medical units to help fight the virus.
Coronavirus might be the greatest challenge we face now … But we all need to stay positive. It is essential for the strength of our